


Download: 5 pictures

  • Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

    «They capture us with large musical arrows, subtle changes of density, rhythmical finesse, parallel and counterpunctual lines. They create a very personal world of sound out of smart nuances and individual determination and creativity.» (Norbert Krampf, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)

  • Peter Rüedi, Die Weltwoche 18_17

    To keep a band like to one of Matthias Spillmann for eighteen years, this alone is a piece of art… Each of their works sounds as fresh and joyful as a debut. They always start from scratch, so to speak, but on a higher level of common experience… Some kind of new Hot Five.

  • Concerto 6/2016

    «A varied album with great solos and haunting ensemble parts.» (highest rating 5 points)

  • London Jazz News

    «With great ingenuity the group draw its circles, moved in the round and went to outer regions, connecting both with each other rendering colourful music – with some Carla Bley reminiscences – cheering up the senses.» (Hening Bolte on

  • Weltwoche 3 – 15

    «Free, unchained but still organised and always hot music. Tied to the most creative small band concepts of the jazz tradition, yet completely self- contained… Jazz live as live can be…»   (Peter Rüedi, Weltwoche 3-15)
